19 October, 2022
If renewing the Blue Flag is a reason to celebrate the recognition of the commitment that Marina Port de Mallorca has had with the environment for more than 20 years, the fact that the marina itself motivates its clients to also obtain this accreditation meaning even more because it means that this effort is also perceived by its users.
S/Y Kiboko 3, a beautiful 32m long Southern Wind sailing yacht, is one of the regular clients of the marina who has shown great interest in obtaining the Blue Flag for boats thanks to its firm commitment to caring for the environment, since not only do they properly manage waste on board or anchor responsibly, but they also extract sewage in port, use ecological cleaning products and even wear environmentally friendly uniforms, among many other good practices.
Oscar Fernández, captain of Marina Port de Mallorca, who encouraged Raimon Pasco, captain of S/Y Kiboko 3 and managed with ADEAC FEE the award of the Blue Flag for the boat, affirms that “all these measures that the captain of S/Y Kiboko 3 has been implemented on board, they have been fundamental for the boat to be able to choose and receive this award, because precisely what is recognized is the commitment to the environment put into practice in various ways”. Likewise, Oscar Fernández acknowledges that “there are more and more vessels interested in carrying this Blue Flag award; we are processing the accreditation for some more clients who choose to care for the environment”.
Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspires good actions in others -said Plato-, and the fact is that the information campaign that Marina Port de Mallorca has put into practice has already led to several clients showing interest in obtaining this international award, granted by ADEAC FEE, which implies committing to act according to its code of conduct, maintaining an attitude of respect and caring for the marine environment. This code of conduct also includes some measures such as being a good example for other boat skippers.
Marina Port de Mallorca also holds other accreditations in environmental matters such as ISO 14001 certification, Registration in the Carbon Footprint Registry with the seal Calculate and Reduce, and EMAS.