The Blue Flag that has been flying in our port since 2002 symbolises the efforts and commitment of our marina to comply with health, safety, cleanliness, environmental management and environmental information standards to all our clients.
Year on year, Marina Port de Mallorca strives to promote good practices amongst its users through ecological activities and campaigns and education on environmental matters.
Boat skippers interested in collaborating with the Blue Flag campaign should apply for this award following these steps:
Express your interest at the Marina Port de Mallorca reception. We will provide you all the information necessary that includes the code of conduct at sea.
Undertake to behave in accordance with the manner expressed in the code of conduct, keeping a respectful and caring attitude towards the marine environment. The code of conduct includes measures such as setting an example to other skippers and reporting bad practices by any other boats.
Marina Port de Mallorca will send your boat documentation that accredits the merits of the skipper and certifies that he/she complies with the campaign.
This information will be analysed by ADEAC-FEE. If ADEAC believes that the skipper is worthy of this accreditation, he/she will obtain a Blue Flag for the boat